Ray Kelly
Ray Kelly Fitness
In 2006, Ray Kelly came across a study that would change the course of his career. Prof. Kerin O’Dea has shown that Aboriginal people could turn around type 2 diabetes in 7 weeks. Unbelievably, it was published in 1984. With a strong family history of diabetes in his family, he could not believe that after 15 years in the health industry he had not heard of it. This began a journey to change health policy in Australia. However, most health care professionals and researchers did not believe it was possible. He was described as ‘dangerous’, ‘reckless’, and accused of ‘not understanding the problem’. There were many barriers to overcome, but he didn’t stop!
Case Study: Achieving nationwide change, when no one believes you!
How did Ray become one of Australia's leading exercise physiologists?
Making a change in your own community - from growing up in a "diabetes hotspot", to developing a successful health program to reverse type 2 diabetes